Statkraft presents its statement made pursuant to Section 54(1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the "Act"). 本声明描述了Statkraft为防止和打击mg线上电子游戏的业务和供应链中的现代奴隶制而采取的步骤. mg游戏官方网站作为, 百联能源有限公司, Statkraft UK Limited和Statkraft Markets Gmbh, 在英国有分支机构吗, are the relevant reporting entities for the purposes of this statement.
Statkraft respects human rights as set out in the UNGPs and the OECD Guidelines (i.e., 《mg线上电子游戏》和国际劳工组织的八项核心公约及其《mg线上电子游戏》中所表达的原则). mg线上电子游戏努力确定和管理mg线上电子游戏的人权影响. This has also become a legal requirement through the Norwegian Transparency Act, 于2022年7月生效, 这也适用于Statkraft的活动.
Statkraft's Supplier Code of Conduct establishes requirements relating to respecting human and labour rights, 包括强迫劳动和童工. mg线上电子游戏的供应商行为准则已经更新,以符合挪威透明度法案的要求,并反映了公司的人权承诺声明. 它禁止不道德和非法的商业行为, 要求供应商迎合健康, 安全, 安全的工作场所, 并致力于负责任的商业行为.
mg线上电子游戏的行为准则是针对现代奴隶制的, 既通过对人权的一般政策承诺,也通过《mg线上电子游戏》中涵盖经评估为最相关的现代奴役方面的具体人权条款, or at risk given Statkraft's activities and supply chain.
国家对人权管理的做法基于将其人权政策承诺纳入现有管理文件并将其纳入主流的原则, 流程和系统, 例如那些与采购有关的, 社会可持续性管理, 人力资源与安全. 人权 considerations are also an integral part of our decision making processes for project development, 兼并与收购, 和撤资.
人权 are identified as a material topic for the company, 无论是在mg线上电子游戏自己的活动中还是在供应链中,劳工权利都是Statkraft突出的人权之一. 在人权方面通过了雄心和目标. 这些目标, alongside status updates relating to the implementation of the goals, are described in the sustainability chapter of the Annual Report. 持续改进, including on labour rights and relevant aspects of modern slavery as well as supply chain management, 是否会继续在年度报告中进行描述.
mg线上电子游戏制定了程序,以确定和评估mg线上电子游戏的主要活动对人权的潜在影响, 比如开发新的绿地项目, 在mg线上电子游戏的交易和供应链中. 通过对mg线上电子游戏的主要活动进行具体的风险和影响评估,mg线上电子游戏的目标是尽可能预防和/或减轻风险, 或纠正, 如果有必要的话, 对人权的负面影响.
mg线上电子游戏透过内部报告、品质控制及保证程序,定期检讨商定或计划措施的执行情况及成效, in an effort to address human rights risks and impacts in our main processes.
Our corporate-level human rights impact assessment has identified four key priority areas with the highest risks. 这是mg线上电子游戏人权工作的重点:
Systems are in place to provide all employees with training, guidance and advice about interpretation of Statkraft's Code of Conduct and desired behaviour.
Statkraft的《mg线上电子游戏》强调,员工有权利也有义务通过直属机构或集团的独立报告(举报)渠道举报违反法律或道德义务的行为. 举报可以匿名进行, and the channel is also available for external stakeholders via Statkraft's web site.
可持续发展目标8 -体面工作和经济增长在mg线上电子游戏的可持续发展战略中受到特别关注. The UNGP and OECD Guidelines set the direction for how we work.
Statkraft不断努力改进将可持续性纳入采购实践的方式,并寻求避免从对人有负面影响的实体购买, 社会, 还有环境. Sustainable supply chain management is an integrated part of the procurement process. Statkraft的目标是识别, 防止, 减轻, and account for actual and potential adverse impacts on human rights in our supply chain.
Statkraft's standard supplier agreements include sustainability clauses, 禁止使用强迫劳动,并期望供应商遵守Statkraft的《mg线上电子游戏》.
在采购过程中, 供应商回答有关人权的问题, 健康与安全, 工作和雇佣条件, including a specific question related to forced labour, modern slavery and human trafficking (in accordance with the UK Modern Slavery Act). All suppliers are integrity checked using the Dow Jones Risk Center, 供应商如有任何明确迹象或明显怀疑存在侵犯人权行为,均须接受mg线上电子游戏公司合规团队的审查和批准程序. Supplier reviews are limited in validity and are periodically updated in accordance with a risk-based model.
Statkraft maps human rights and other sustainability risks related to our primary technologies - hydropower, 风力发电, 太阳能发电和电池储能. The procurement team address identified risks in the tender phase, and contracts are adapted to address specific risks and to include obligations to 减轻 such risks.
Statkraft与选定的供应商实施“可持续供应商计划”,以了解他们如何识别, 防止, 减轻, and account for potential adverse human and labour rights impacts in their own business and supply chains. 全年都与选定的供应商进行对话,以提高透明度并分享最佳实践,以避免对人员产生负面影响, 社会与环境. In 2023 the sustainability rating tool EcoVadis was implemented, and more than 70 suppliers from across our key technologies and IT procurement are now rated in EcoVadis.
Statkraft的集团采购有一个专门的可持续采购团队,负责制定和维护政策和要求, contract templates and frameworks for the management of sustainability in the supply chain. The unit provides training on sustainability to procurement personnel across
Statkraft and cooperates closely with category and contract managers.
国家电力公司的大部分采购活动与电力生产和发电厂建设的设备和服务有关. The supplier base is diverse and includes more than 14 000 suppliers world-wide, including small and large suppliers from sectors such as the electromechanical 行业, 民用建筑, 商业咨询和工程. Some suppliers are small local companies with short supply chains, while others are global industrial groups with long supply chains stretching across different geographies.
The supply chain for equipment used for power production stretches internationally from mining of minerals, 金属生产, 从零件制造到组装, 包括分包商之间的运输, 有时分布在不同的大洲. mg线上电子游戏在主要供应链中发现的风险包括, for hydropower: a risk of poor working conditions and inequality at sub- supplier workshops, for wind turbines: a risk of forced labour and discrimination against women related to production of GRP parts, 太阳能电池板:多晶硅生产中的强迫劳动风险;电池储能系统:人权和劳工权利风险, 包括在精炼/加工锂和石墨以及制造电池时使用强迫劳动的风险.
Statkraft强烈反对使用强迫劳动,并通过在采购过程的每个阶段强调对人权和劳工权利的承诺,力求避免从使用强迫劳动的公司采购, 并通过具体的可追溯性措施和监管链审计来验证是否符合mg线上电子游戏的要求. 进一步, Statkraft works with 行业 associations and peers to raise awareness, 增加透明度, 并通过包括风能倡议和太阳能管理倡议在内的相关部门倡议提高行业标准.
The supply chain is relatively short for 商业咨询和工程, and the work is usually performed by suppliers in countries where Statkraft is located. Statkraft considers the risk of forced labour and modern slavery in these supply chains to be low.
Statkraft acknowledges that there is an inherent risk of unreasonable working time, 在mg线上电子游戏的工地施工和安装期间,工人休假时间不足,工资低于生活工资.
在2023年, Statkraft继续积极主动地了解和解决mg线上电子游戏关键技术供应链中现代奴役(包括强迫劳动)的潜在风险. Ongoing risk management and improvement measures in 2023 have included:
- Engaging with key suppliers to secure improvements in transparency and traceability.
- Enhanced qualification processes for relevant suppliers.
- Framework agreements with vertically integrated suppliers.
- 通过独立的第三方可追溯性审计,确保合同权利追踪mg线上电子游戏太阳能电池板中的硅基材料.
2023年其他改善措施, related more broadly to labour rights on Statkraft sites, 是否包括旨在确保现场供应链工人的生活工资和旨在确保体面工作条件的努力. 这包括项目团队的培训计划, developing new governance and tools related to supplier follow-up, 投诉管理和现场检查.
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This Statement was approved by the Board of Directors on 06.05.2024.